Food Systems of the Future – The National Dialogue on the UNFSS in Germany

Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE)

Time: Friday, 20. January 2023, 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Room: M6-M7

Languages: English, German


The results of the German dialogue on the UNFSS process were discussed at the event. The dialogue leader Dr. Eiden reported on the implementation of the process and its results.
A policy advisory paper was produced from the results, which was submitted to the Federal Ministry and can be used in the design of various policy fields.
Dr. Fotiou, Head of the UNFSS Hub, reported on the activities and progress of the process at international level. He went into the stocktaking in 2023. . It is important that the national results are implemented and at the same time that more joint activities are launched at supranational level.
In the course of the discussion, farmer Jana Gäbert described the challenges facing farms on the path to sustainable food systems. Particularly important is a “national path” describing milestones and reliable framework conditions. However, it should be possible for farms to adapt and implement measures specific to their farm and location.
In evaluating the results of the process, the nutrition psychologist Prof. Dr. Britta Renner from the University of Konstanz focused on the need to incorporate them into political processes and the design of nutritional environments in view of the change in nutrition behavior.

Panel Guests

Dr. Hanns-Christoph Eiden holds a doctorate in law and has been President of the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) since 2010. The BLE implements a wide range of control, networking and communication measures in the field of agriculture and nutrition. As a project management agency, the authority is also responsible for research projects, including EU-wide, on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL).
In the last year and a half, the BLE conducted the National Dialogue on Food Systems on behalf of the BMEL. Dr Eiden held the role of dialogue leader. Before taking on his current role at the BLE, Dr Hanns-Christoph Eiden held a variety of positions at the BMEL and was most recently in charge of European and international affairs as well as the German spokesperson on the EU’s Special Committee on Agriculture.

The CV is currently available only in German.


Jana Gäbert is an agricultural scientist and managing director at Agrargenossenschaft Trebbin eG. With a degree in agriculture, she enjoys bringing science and practice together at an agricultural cooperative in Brandenburg and is convinced that modern agriculture and biodiversity promotion go together perfectly. Jana Gäbert is committed to sustainable intensification that combines the advantages of organic and conventional farming. On her farm, an agricultural cooperative, she manages 4100 ha – 1200 ha of which is grassland – on an often low-yielding sandy site.


Britta Renner has held the Chair of Psychological Diagnostics and Health Psychology at the University of Konstanz since 2007. She studied psychology in Berlin and Landau; doctorate at the FU Berlin (2000).
A long-standing focus of her research is the study of psychological determinants of health behavior with a focus on dietary behavior and the development of mobile interventions for behavior change. She also leads projects funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the EU (DEDIPAC; SMARTACT; EATMOTIVE). As part of the Cluster of Excellence EXC 2117 “”Collective Behavior””, she has been leading the research project “”Collective Appetite”” since 2019. Another topic her research deals with is subjective risk assessment, risk communication and health behavior. Prof. Renner is Vice President of the DGE and Vice Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board for Agricultural Policy, Nutrition and Consumer Health Protection at the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, as well as on the Board of Directors of the Cluster of Excellence EXC 2117 “”Collective Behavior”” and on the Advisory Board of the BMBF nutrition cluster NutriAct.


Nadine Kreutzer has been working in broadcasting for over 20 years. As a moderator, she is on the radio, on stage and in front of the camera. She studied political science and moderated the four digital events for the National Dialogue on Food Systems with various stakeholders along the value chain.

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