Creating resilient food systems – with replies from those affected by the crisis!




German NGO Forum on Environment and Development
INKOTA-network e.V.
FIAN Germany
Bread for the World

Time: Thursday, 19. January 2023, 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Room: M6-M7

Languages: English, German


Moderator Stig Tanzmann (Bread for the World) opened the panel with introductory remarks on the hunger crisis, the climate and biodiversity crisis, and the crisis of multilateralism. The first panelist, Sefu Sunni, Kenyan coordinator of the Civil Society and Indigenous Peoples Mechanism (CSIPM) for relations with the UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS), then presented the results of the CSIPM consultation process regarding the food crisis and criticized the Global Alliance for Food Security for not representing many people and not explicitly enshrining the Right to Food. She also denounced the dependence on industrial food systems and argued for better recognition of the participatory rights of women, indigenous groups and young people. In her input, Brazilian professor Veruska Prado substantiated the description of the hunger situation of many people in the global South using the example of Brazil. At the same time she expressed hope through first countermeasures of the new government Lula. Professor Antionio Andrioli, also from Brazil, reported on positive approaches “from below” and successful agroecologically oriented universities in the South American country. Finally, Dr. Silke Bollmohr from Inkota once again emphasized the importance of civil society on a global level and the need to combat the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers. Small farmers produce 70-80% of the world’s food – their voices must be taken seriously. In his keynote speech, Michael Fakhri, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, also advocated holistic, agro-ecological approaches. Together with more than 100 participants, the panel discussed further important approaches.

Background information:

Keynote Speaker

Mr. Michael Fakhri is a professor at the University of Oregon School of Law where he teaches courses on human rights, food law, development, and commercial law. He is also the director of the Food Resiliency Project in the Environmental and Natural Resources Law Center. He holds a Doctorate from the University of Toronto, Masters from Harvard Law School, Bachelor of Laws from Queen’s University, and a Bachelor of Science in Ecology from Western University. He has taught courses on the right to food at Harvard Law School, European University Institute, and the University of Arizona Indigenous Governance Program. He has delivered lectures on international human rights and development topics at universities in places such as South Africa, Egypt, Lebanon, Qatar, Singapore, Italy, Switzerland, Iceland, the United States, and the United Kingdom. He has also led public dialogues on human rights and development with peasant organizations, labor unions, and human rights activists in the Arab region and North America, and at international organizations such as the WTO Ministerial Conference. During his practice as a lawyer, Mr. Fakhri fought for the rights of people who were indigent and incarcerated in a psychiatric institution. More recently, his book Bandung, Global History, and International Law (co-edited with Vasuki Nesiah and Luis Eslava) was cited by the International Court of Justice. He was appointed Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food by the Human Rights Council in March 2020 and assumed his functions on 1 May 2020.

Panel Guests

Professor Andrioli is an agricultural engineer. He studied philosophy and wrote a doctoral thesis on the comparison between organic and transgenic soybeans at the University of Osnabrück. He was a research assistant at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz and was involved in the foundation of the Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (UFFS) in Brazil. He was also a member of the Brazilian Biosafety Commission CTNBio. As Director and Vice-President, he was responsible for establishing another six sites of the Federal University in the South of Brazil. In 2020, he received the Nature Protection Award from the Bavarian Association for Nature Conservation. Since August 2022, he has been a visiting scientist at the CSS (Center for Sustainable Society Research) of the University of Hamburg.

Dr Silke Bollmohr holds a PhD in environmental science (University of Koblenz and Landau) and did practical work and research on agripolitical issues for 25 years, mainly in Africa. Her work’s key subject was sustainable agriculture. Over the last five years, she has academically accompanied the campaigning of different civil-society organisations in South Africa, Nigeria and Kenya. Together with smallholder farmers, she has developed alternatives for building more resilient agricultural systems that are less dependent on external inputs. She has recently started working as a Senior Policy Advisor for Global Food Policy and Agriculture for the development-policy network INKOTA.

Sefu Sanni is a coordinator of the CSIPM Youth working group and a regional coordinator for the CSIPM African region. She participated in the African regional consultations that discussed the situation and concerns related to food that are experienced in territories, countries and different regions in Africa calling on governments, communities, organisations and all other groups of actors at the different levels of our food systems to mobilise and engage together to truly take charge of the food sovereignty of the continent, participating actively in the 49th and 50th CFS plenaries. She is a member of the World March of Women in charge Communications and Raporteuring and vied for county Assembly elections-2022. She is also a creative artist.


Mrs. Prado A.-Weiss is a research Professor at the Faculty of Nutrition at the Federal University of Goiás, Brazil. She is a member of the Working Group on Food Security Monitoring of The Brazilian Research Network on Food and Nutrition Sovereignty and Security. Mrs. Prado A.-Weiss has contributed to the II. National Survey on Food Insecurity in the context of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Brazil. She has an interdisciplinary and community-based approach and researches the right to food and school food programs. She is currently based in Germany, where she works on food and nutrition security policies, nutrition-sensitive interventions, measuring hunger and food insecurity, and promoting food equity.

Stig Tanzmann is a farmer and an agricultural scientist who has been working as an advisor on Agricultural Issues at Bread for the World since 2010. Since 2008, he has been doing research on the international effects of the European meat production. Other focus areas of his work include the influence on development policies of the EU’s agricultural policy, agroecology, biodiversity, bioeconomy, digitalisation in agriculture, genetic engineering and seeds.


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